Wednesday, September 11, 2019


A walk through my hometown

While the Cherry Blossom touches my lonesome heart, the Magnolia starts to write
her own kind poetry, Morning Glory weares a coat of fresh emptiness, a pale skin of
serenity. While the Blackbird continues his history repeatly, Spring has definitely 
arrived – a cold white morning,  a pale awakening sun. Hear the clear blue sounds 
of a new reward, the birds of great hope. A singing in the making, slowly turning 
into a new day dawning.

The silence gets disturbed by the return of Starlings coming home for joy and laughter.
They arrive in billions – a flog of bright shiny wings – funny  murmurations in the early 
sky: “ We have waited for you such a long time “. In the trees it’s happening again 
- Spring has definitely arrived – unfolding leaves like new pages of dairy, a 
flourishing in the making, slowly turning into a new day dawning – 

Elbert Gonggrijp,
Egmond aan den Hoef,
zondag 24 maart 2019

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